
IBM Champion thoughts – How to thank someone

It’s that time year again where you can nominate someone to be an IBM Champion. I’ve talked about this before on the blog.

You can find out about the program here. And you can go to this page to nominate someone.

Note: The nomination form is a little “daunting” to say the least. Just fill in what you know. You don’t need to fill in everything.

You’re supposed to nominate people based on their contributions for the last 12 months, NOT their “life time” contributions. For this and other reasons I always try to first nominate someone that has never been an IBM Champion. We have such a great community that there always seems to be new blood showing up and every group needs new people.

This year I’ve identified 2 people that, to me, have done some significant contributions over the last year. I believe that both, like me, are simply customers. That’s cool to me. They are:
Steve Zavocki – USA – @szavocki
Johnny Oldenburger – Netherlands – @JOldenburger

I’m not going to go into why I think they deserve their nominations as I think that’s up to you to decide on your own. I’ll just say that I’ve enjoyed their efforts and want to thank them for their time.

If you’ve benefitted from any community contribution in the last year, please consider nominating that person to be an IBM Champion.


P.S. I don’t broadcast it much but I’m currently an IBM Champion as well. I was honored with that when the initial group was announced at conference in Las Vegas. So I’ve had a good run. I’m NOT here asking you to nominate me. NotesIn9 will continue regardless. Please first nominate a few other people before you even consider nominating me.