Learning XPages Notes In 9 Podcast XPages

NotesIn9 162: Learning XPages Part 3 – Source Control

In this show I continue setting up the programming environment by installing Source Tree and pulling down a project that we’ll be using later in the series.

My plan is to try and emulate real life, and real life needs some good quality source control so I will ideally be doing a lot of different things with source control along the way.

Notes In 9 Podcast XPages

NotesIn9 159: Introduction to Select2 in XPages

In this show, John Oldenburger, a wonderful new contributor and XPages XPert joins the Hackathon to show us how to use the Select2 project to improve your applications.

Community Notes In 9

Email Do’s and Don’ts

I’ve been getting a lot more emails from NotesIn9 viewers lately. Many are asking for XPages help with a particular problem.

While I prefer questions unrelated to Ni9 to be asked on with the tag “xpages”, just so the question and answer is public and can therefore benefit more people, I’m always happy to get the email and will certainly try and help where I can.  I can’t always.  But I will try.  Some of the emails say something like “I don’t expect a personal response”.  Umm  If you’re going to email me you will most likely get a personal response!

Just tonight I got 2 emails.  1 was about a problem with the Ext. Library and update sites.  That I don’t know a ton about.  The other was a problem reading values from a notes document.  That I think I have a good handle on.  🙂

The Ext. Library email started like this:

Hi David, here me again.

Sorry if I’m disturbing you, but I need some help.

Again – it’s email – you can’t “disturb” me and I’m always happy to help.

The second email which was more up my ally BUT started like this:

Help Needed:

Phone # does not show up in the export to Excel. It shows up blank on the exported Excel spreadsheet.

 That email then continued in with a description and included maybe 70 lines of code.

If you’re asking for help…  especially if I don’t know you. Say hello first!  Tell me about yourself. Tell a joke.  Tell me what you like or don’t like about NotesIn9.  I don’t care but add a little personal touch please.  Remember I’m just a customer. I’m not a BP looking for clients. I do this all on my own time.  I’m ALWAYS happy to try and help where I can as I’m sure most of the people in the community are also willing to try and assist.  StackOverFlow is proof of that.

I don’t really have a good wrap up to this.  I guess just a reminder to be nice to the people you’re asking for help and they’ll likely be more willing to go the extra mile for you in return.  You get what you give.

Notes In 9 Podcast XPages

NotesIn9 157: Dabbling in Bootstrap and Font Awesome

In this show Dan Friedrich, a brand new contributor joins the Hackathon! He’s a customer (like me!) that’s been doing a lot with XPages. He’s going to talk about using Bootstrap and Font Awesome in your XPages applications.

Before the demo I take a little time to update the status of the XPages Mobile Controls and iOS8 issues as well as some overall personal opinions on the Mobile Controls themselves.

The demo starts around the 10:00 if you want to skip over my opinion stuff.

Dan’s site is:


Java Notes In 9 XPages

NotesIn9 156: Introduction to Custom Renderers in XPages

In this show, Jesse Gallagher officially starts the NotesIn9 Hackathon with a great introduction on “custom renderers” in XPages.  While this seems to be a really scary topic, Jesse explains it in a way that even I can grasp it.


Community Notes In 9

Announcing the NotesIn9 Hackathon: Race to 199

hackathon-MediumIt’s time.

It’s time for me to get off my duff a little bit and try and “kick this up a notch”.

It’s time for YOU who are reading this post to get a little more involved and “Join the Conversation”

To me a Hackathon is an event were people come together to contribute small pieces to complete a bigger puzzle.

I’ve been thinking of this ever since someone came up with the #CodeForTim hashtag.  When we lost Tim, I changed the motto of NotesIn9 to “Learn, Code, Share” to honor my friend and better reflect the mission of NotesIn9.  Well that’s what this Hackathon is all about.

I want to try and increase the output of NotesIn9. More shows with a better range of subjects.  I want to try and get NEW CONTRIBUTORS. And I want to try and get more questions, answers, ideas, comments and discussion going.

Typically when I get a new contributor on the show, it’s someone I’ve noticed and I’ve reached out to them privately and begged, pressured, or plain out annoyed them until they decided to come on the show.

Today I’m calling for Open Submissions.  If you’re working with XPages – no matter how basic – you have content you can share.  Think up an idea and email me and lets talk about it!  There’s no reason to be scared. You do NOT need to be an “expert” on the topic.  If you do a show the worst possible outcome is that someone comments that there’s a better way to get the same result.  Now you and others will learn that better way.  Win Win!  If you simply can’t share, because your company forbids it, then start leaving comments by asking a question, validating the material or simply just thank the contributor for their effort.  Let your voice be heard!  The more comments and people interacting, the easier it is to get contributors on the show.

I’ll post later some suggested topics but pretty much everything is open to discussion.  Even non XPages based shows. Learning is learning.  Period.

Unlike when I did “DriveTo99” a couple years ago there’s no “End Date” for this.  I’m going to push until we get to 199.  Then I’ll likely take a vacation.  🙂

So what’s in this for you?  I firmly believe the more you share the more you gain.  You start by gaining knowledge, experience, and confidence. From there you might gain friends, start speaking at different events and who knows, maybe even get a dream job. That’s what happened to me.

In the event that isn’t enough there will even be prizes!  Details will be forthcoming.

Let’s all see what we can build and then let’s all share it!

My email address is dleedy at notesin9 . com

I look forward to hearing from you.

Community Notes In 9

Big NotesIn9 news coming next week

It’s time…




Java Notes In 9 XPages

NotesIn9 155: Java based Debug Control Part 3

In this show Greg Reeder, XPage developer returns for part 2 of his series to talk some Java programming and how you might be able to use it to build a logging control for errors and messages.

This is the third of a 3 part series from Greg which I’m publishing all at once due to the length and complexity of the information.

Notes In 9

Changes for NotesIn9

Well if you’re seeing this you probably already know what the news is.  I’ve made some big changes to my blog.

I’ve moved to a new host, upgraded to WordPress 4 and am playing with a new theme.

I want to thank Chris Miller for hosting my blog since almost the very beginning of NotesIn9.  He really stepped in and saved me when I had problems with my original setup.

In addition to the new theme, (which might change later) I’ve updated the About page and some of the links to try and make it easier to find my other sites and especially the Episode Guide. Addtional ways to find older shows are the new Tag Cloud and a search feature which I never had before.

If anyone sees any problems or has any suggestions please let me know!

Looking forward I’ve just got a ton of shows that I need to get out. I needed to get out.  We have a bunch of great new contributors coming as well as my MWLug Presentation.

Hope you like the content!


Learning XPages Notes In 9 XPages

NotesIn9 PDF Edition: Using Resource Bundles to store config information in XPages

I’m really excited to have a NEW contributor today.  Please welcome Dan Soares to the show!  Well kinds of at least.  I’ve been trying to get him on for a LONG time and while I’ve yet to get a video I have received from him a great article and sample database on using resource bundles in XPages.

Thanks Dan!


P.S. If your company blocks videos either from this site or YouTube, please print this article out on the company printer, read it on company time and have a little chuckle when done!



Using resource bundles to store configuration information in your XPages application

