In this show, IBM Champ, John Jardin returns with a great demo on Appcelerator Event Listeners.
In this show, IBM Champ, John Jardin returns with a great demo on Appcelerator Event Listeners.
This is a VERY DIFFERENT NotesIn9. It’s less of a normal show and more if a response to a recent blog post regarding one persons opinion on the value of Java in XPages and the Value of the UI vs the backend. Actually this show is more of a really long “rant”.
This show could absolutely suck. I pretty much broke all my rules and tried to have fun with it. I do give my thoughts on things so maybe there’s at least a little value there.
There’s no Demo. There is only the trainwreck.
I would say that if you do give it a shot. Stick around for the end. That’s when I get my most immature. For the first time ever there’s even a few bloopers at the very end. No not me, but one of the cast members.
I want to thank Mark Roden for the original post. Please check out the comments. There’s a lot of good information in there. Here’s the shortlink:
I hope you like it.
In this episode I’m going to give thanks to two people who helped me with the content for this show.
First I’ll be talking about a bug in XPages dealing with Dates – specifically @Now(). Then I’ll show how to use the onComplete event handler to combine Server Side and Client Side Code.