Learning XPages Notes In 9 XPages

NotesIn9 Updates the #XPages Episode Guide

It’s been long overdue but I finally got around to updating my Episode Guide to contain all my shows.  Please check it out!

I often get questions from people on “Where do I start” with XPages.  This guide probably isn’t great but I do have some nodes for “Start here” and “Beginner” that I typically point people to.

I hope it’s helpful!


P.S. Call for Ideas / Help!

This mind map is meant to be a poor mans Table of Contents.  XPages.TV was meant to fill that role but that’s an epic fail and I’ve not had time to re-write it yet.

The problem is that unlike a typical “topical blog”,  some of my early shows are as valid today as they were back in 2009.  It’s difficult for people to find all the NotesIn9 content.  So I’m trying to come up with a nice interface for people to find all the shows.  I do NOT know a WordPress way though I’m sure there’s something out there.

The problem with the mind map is I need to manually re-key it.  Also it would be nice if shows could be in multiple categories.

If anyone has a better ideal or solution please let me know.  I like the visualness of the mind map but I don’t have a way to auto feed it.  Maybe there’s some WordPress plugin that’s better overall that would aid users in finding shows.  WordClouds and Searching just doesn’t cut it. Ideally something that’s NOT manually maintained would be great.  It can be a pain to publish shows because of all the duplicate data entry.

Please comment or email me any ideas you might have.  I’d appreciate any advice.
